An issue relating to ‘Historical Injustice’ which is also published upon my other blog 'the State of Injustice' since it relates to both.
So! I am in agreement that (A) owns the ‘Property’ despite the number of times that ‘property’ has been ‘transferred’ from (B to Z). However what about any property (B to Z) is holding or has erected upon that land? Clearly that property is not the property of (A) and neither did (B to Z) have ‘Lawful Rights’ to erect or hold property upon or within the land which belongs to (A).
Time does not impact upon the crime of ‘Theft’ since the ‘Property’ was neither ‘Lawfully Taken’ nor ‘Lawfully Received’ so despite the number of inheritors, beneficiaries or occupiers this ‘Property’ is still owned by (A).
Assuming that (A) recovers the ‘Land’ they are now left with the problem of removing the ‘Assets’ of (B to Z) which is neither the property nor the responsibility of (A) however they are ‘Illegally retained’ upon and within that holding.
Within the above however we are missing a point:
Are the people of today responsible for the crimes of the past since: (A) they did not commit these crimes however; (B) they do descend from the ‘Perpetrators’ who actually did commit these ‘Crimes’ even though they were not alive themselves to ‘Engage’ within the ‘Action’?
(C) Question?
Do they ‘Sanction’ and ‘Endorse’ the ‘Crimes’ of both the ‘Past’ along with that of their ‘Ancestors’ through their continued presence; i.e.: ‘If they continue to retain and occupy the lands which were stolen, with this action along with their presence attesting too and ‘Sanction’ thereby ‘Endorse the Crime’; are they ‘Equally Guilty’ (Aiding and Abetting all be it after the Fact)?
In relation to a ‘Tangible’ and ‘Provable Crime’ this being (Admitted) with this ‘Crime’ relating to ‘Theft’ through ‘Murder’ (Right by Conquest) which the English people committed against Wales (the indigenous British peoples) when they annihilated 280,000 people after their surrender from starvation and disease after the 2nd war of Wales had ended. Additionally after the ‘Slaughter of the Princes’ (mostly children) allocating for the ‘Theft of their Principalities’ with this being done on the pretext of putting down the British threat forever whilst legalizing that ‘Land Theft’ beneath the precept of ‘Atrocity’ coupled with ‘Time’.
Within this we must remember that the ‘Welsh People’ are the only ‘Dominated Race’ (Non-Free race) left on earth with the entirety of ‘Britain’ being their ‘Lawful Property’ (Foreign Occupied).
‘Wales’ is a fragment of ‘Cambria’ (the true extent of Wales) which is occupied by foreign bodies at a ratio estimated at around 60 to 1 with the English imposing both a Government and English law upon them. The Welsh Assembly which is not a ‘Lawfully Elected Representative Government’ but ‘Foreign Imposed’; clearly within this the ‘Indigenous’ have no ‘Right in Law’ be that ‘National’ (English Imposed) or ‘International’ since they are not ‘Free’ and that ‘Government’ does not ‘represent them’.
They are ‘Out-voted’ within ‘Elections’ at a ratio of ’60 to 1’, their ‘Government’ is representative of ‘Foreign Policy’ (Imposed); ‘Welsh Law’ was ‘Quashed’ during the ‘Owain Glyndwr’ fight for ‘Freedom’. English laws were passed ‘Oppressing’ them ever since within which even in modern history there have been ‘Incidences Attesting’ to the fact that they have been denied the ‘Right’ to speak and ‘Communicate’ within their own ‘language’.
Lands were clearly ‘Stolen through Murder’ and both ‘Evidences’ and ‘Admittances’ of this exist however the ‘Welsh are not Free’ nor are there plans to release the ‘Welsh’ from the ‘Grasp of England’. Clearly an ‘Imposed Government’ that represents ‘England’ coupled with ‘English Policy’ is not ‘Freedom’ nor does it resolve the ‘Issues’ of Historical Injustice’.
Returning ‘Wales’ a fragment of ‘Cambria’ which itself is only a fragment of ‘Britain’ will not be ‘justice’ for the ‘Welsh’ who have been ‘Systematically Annihilated’ over a period of 2,000 years by ‘Rome’, the ‘Saxon, Danish and Germanic Nations’.
So ‘where is the Justice’ and are the ‘English People’ of today equally guilty in ‘law’ of sanctioning and endorsing the ‘Crimes of the Past’ through their continued ‘Occupation’ and ‘Presence’ coupled with their ‘Ownership of Properties’ upon ‘Lands’ which were stolen through ‘Atrocity’ which was ‘Legalized within English law’.
Argumentative isn’t it?
In relation to ‘Historical Injustice’
I have an argument:
What happens when the ‘Crimes of the Past’ (Historical Injustices) continue as a ‘Repetitive Event’ and continue to ‘Occur’ into the ‘Present’?
Clearly this can no longer be perceived as ‘Historical Injustice’ and must be perceived and related too as being ‘Something Else’. For obvious reasons you cannot ‘Commit’ and continue to ‘Commit crimes’ on the precept that they are one and the same ‘Crime’ since they are ‘Individual crimes’ repeatedly ‘Committed’ over an extended period. So by spreading these ‘Crimes’ out over the passage of ‘Time’ highlights a ‘Criminal’ and ‘Deliberate Intention’ to commit ‘Extended Crimes’ (Repeated offences being deliberate acts).
The term ‘Historical Injustices’ relates to ‘Individual cases of Atrocity’ committed within the ‘Past’ against a singular ‘Nation of People’; some of these ‘Crimes’ caused peoples to be unfairly ‘Displaced’ by ‘Aggressive Invaders’ who ‘Stole Lands Unlawfully’ through the acts of ‘Violence’ which resulted in ‘Terror, acts of Violence’ coupled with ‘Massacre’.
It is reasonable to suggest that any ‘Nation of People’ whom ‘Committed’ this ‘Crime’ once or even twice could possibly argue for ‘Redemption’ through the ‘Acceptance’ and ‘Recognition’ of their ‘Crime’ coupled with a program of ‘Restoration, Compensation’ and ‘Repair’. This does not in any way ‘Absolve them’ from the ‘Crimes Committed’ however it attempts through the ‘Recognition of the Fact’ that they ‘Accept’ and through that ‘Acceptance’ hope and attempt to address and repair through ‘Mitigation, Compensation and Address’ for those ‘Damages done to their Victim’.
However can that be said for ‘Repetitive Offences’ as in a ‘Nation of People’ who have throughout their history ‘Repetitively Attacked, Violated’ and ‘Annihilated’ other ‘Races of People’ or targeting one (the Indigenous).
A ‘Re-Offence’ highlights ‘Intent’ as in an ‘Intention to Offend Repeatedly’ therefore through that action of ‘Repetitive Attacks’ the ‘Perpetrator’ highlights and ‘Exposes’ a ‘Clinical Intention’. Within this the actual ‘Continued Re-offences’ which are ‘Intended’ and serve the ‘Purpose’ of ‘Total Eradication’ of the ‘Indigenous’ can be ‘Exposed’ through the ‘Deliberate Act’ of ‘Continued Re-offending’ with this being expressed not as an ‘Insular act of Genocide’ but as the more ‘Hideous Crime’ of ‘Systematic acts of Genocide’ which culminate within the act of ‘Annihilation’.
Clearly you cannot attack the same person repeatedly without it highlighting persecution and more depending upon the scale of atrocity.
No ‘repetitive act of genocide’ can be passed off as being an ‘insular crime’ representing ‘negligence’ since it highlights through the ‘continued action’ a ‘deliberate intention’ which is only compounded by the passage of time. For obvious reasons you cannot ‘commit’ and ‘continue to commit’ a crime against the ‘same people’ without ‘highlighting’ and ‘exposing a hidden intention’; therefore any continued persecution perpetrated against any other nation over increased passages of time only serves to extend the gravity of that crime and for this reason ‘Historical Injustice’ (which within itself is a means of evading justice for crimes committed on mass) cannot be used to define, describe or moderate the seriousness and scale of the crimes committed.
A very good example of this can be found within ‘Wales’ with the ‘Welsh people’ who are the ‘true and indigenous Britons’; they have endured ‘repetitive’ and ‘deliberate’ acts of ‘violence, atrocity and genocide’ spread over and spanning more than 2,000 years of ‘intolerable cruelty’ beneath ‘English Over lordship’ all ‘legitimated, legalized’ and ‘sanctioned’ through ‘English law’ and these people are still not ‘Free’ within their country of origins.
Lets be clear; within this the ‘English legal system’ stands to represent ‘English Interests’ it does not ‘Recognize’ the rights of others unless they serve ‘English Interests’. There is no ‘Legitimacy' within ‘Corruption’ and ‘English law’ is built upon ‘Absolutism’. The current ‘Welsh Assembly’ is not a ‘National Government’ representing the ‘Welsh People’ is was devised by ‘Anthony Blair’ (the former prime minister of England and budding World Emperor) to serve ‘English Interests’ by controlling the ‘Welsh people’; the ‘Welsh Assembly’ is not a ‘Democratically Elected Government’ stemming from the ‘People’ nor does it ‘Represent those people’ since if it did it would ‘Dissolve itself in Law’ so as to ‘Highlight’ and ‘Expose English Criminality and Injustice’.
How can any ‘Foreign Imposed Government’ built upon ‘Foreign Perceived Laws’ represent the ‘Interests’ of any other ‘People’ within an ‘Occupied’ and ‘Oppressed State’ when that ‘Foreign Body’ represents the interests of that ‘Foreign State’?
‘Injustice is a Crime’ which is ‘Exposed through the Actions’ of those seeking to ‘Commit’ with that ‘Highlight the Intention’ of those whom seek to ‘Offend’.
Within the above statement it becomes clear that any ‘Invasion of another State’ whether ‘Passive’ or ‘Aggressive’ is still an ‘Invasion’ which only serves to ‘Violate’ the ‘Rights of Others’ and that ‘Highlights’ and ‘Exposes the Intention’ within the ‘Perpetrator’ to commit a ‘Crime’ through the ‘Abuse of Law’. Clearly any perpetual and continuing violation of any other whether they be: ‘singular’ (as an individual) or ‘collective’ (as a nation of people) is a “Historical Crime Extended” with repetitive acts of ‘atrocity’ expressing something beyond ‘genocide’.
Any failure in law to recognize the rights of others in law due to ‘Bigotry’ and ‘Prejudice’ only serves to highlight through that ‘Failure of Law’ to recognize another person’s argument with this being done so as to ‘Legitimate’ and ‘Justify’ the ‘Crime you or they Commit’ against your ‘Victim’. Any interference within the ‘Justice System’ or manner and level of ‘Justice’ a person receives undermines the ‘Legitimacy of Law’ as does ‘Racial and Prejudicial Justice’, ‘False evidences, Corruption, Perjury’ with all these issues undermining the ‘Legitimacy of Justice’ through the ‘Perversion of Law’.
Injustice is a Crime and to not receive justice only serves to highlight and expose the sheer scale of Injustice.
“Sibrwd y gair Rhyddid” (Whisper the word Freedom)
“In Truth ‘freedom’ is a word that only needs to be whispered” its voice topples ‘dynasties’ – no-one is above the ‘Law’ or beyond its reach and every ‘Public Servant’ only enjoys ‘protection’ for as long as the ‘People’ whom form their ‘Nation’ support and believe in them. Governments should note that when the day comes when ‘All the people’ recognize the sheer scale of ‘Criminality’ which comprises the ‘State’ setting it against those ‘people’ then none of those ‘Judges, Politicians and Dignitaries’ will be outside the reach of ‘Justice’ and ‘Justice will be Done’.
Christopher © 22/06/2012 (All Rights reserved)